Respect Life Week

Respect Life Week

Respect Life Week (RLW) is a joint project of the Department of Catholic Schools and the Office of Life, Justice and Peace.  

RLW 2017 looks at the current issues of forgiveness, healing after abortion, human trafficking, mental health (depression, addiction, suicide), and adoption through the lens of our Catholic faith.  Students are invited, at a grade-appropriate level, to understand why we believe what we do and what we can do to build a Culture of Life right here in LA.

Through curriculum, prayer, special projects, and service, students grades PK-12 reflect on the infinite love of Christ for each and every person.  

RLW is a cross-curricular program. Teachers, campus ministers, and administrators are encouraged to work together to make the week meaningful and impactful for our students. We also strongly recommend involving parents by sharing with them what students learn.

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